Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Puzzle No 135: Consecutive Chains Sudoku

My 1st creation of the year 2019.
I am creating this Sudoku as a Practice puzzle for upcoming Sudoku GP 2019 Round 1. For more details check out: http://gp.worldpuzzle.org/content/sudoku-gp
Thanks to Kumaresan for test-solving the sudoku.
Enjoy Solving and Have Fun. 
Please provide feedback in the comment section.

Place numbers in the grid such that each row, column, and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, digits in the grey areas must form a chain of consecutive digits from 1 to 9 by moving horizontally or vertically from one cell to the next.

Theme: 3 areas

Difficulty: Moderate



  1. Nice construction.Had a lot of bite until the very end.Even after resolving boxes 9 and 1, the middle 3 boxes at the end took a good two minutes because it involved seeing at one point 345 in a line contradicting 34 in R2C4.Good one.

  2. Very nice one.11.13 on it
    Box 1 and 9 got cleared easily,but was stuck on box 5 for a while(apart from c5 in box 5).Then belatedly noticed that the 345 can't come in one same column.
    Was a good eye opener and good practice :).
    Thanks swaroop

  3. 8.40 - Nice sudoku to start the year. Makes good use of the variant tricks.
