Thursday, October 30, 2014

Puzzle No 111: Fortress Sudoku

This is my 13th Sudoku contribution to:
Daily League! The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen

Remember that you can solve this puzzle from the League  online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24 hr delay.

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, if a shaded cell and a white cell are Orthogonally adjacent to each other then the shaded cell has the greater value.

Theme: Diagonals

Difficulty: Medium


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Puzzle No 110: Odd Sudoku

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, Shaded cells can contain only odd digits (1,3,5,7,9)

Theme: Diagonals

Difficulty: Medium


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Puzzle No 109: Diagonal Sudoku

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9.  Main Diagonals (marked for clarification) also contain numbers 1-9.

Theme: Almost Consecutive Groups

Difficulty: Hard


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Puzzle No 108: No Even Neighbor Sudoku

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Even Numbers cannot be adjacent to each other vertically or horizontally.

Theme: Symmetric

Difficulty: Easy


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Puzzle No 107: Anti-Diagonal Sudoku

Edited: Sudoku Image Modified (Marked Diagonals are Shown)

This is my 9th Sudoku contribution to:
Daily League! The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen

Remember that you can solve this puzzle from the League  online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24 hr delay.

Fill in the grid with numbers 1-9 so that each row, column and outlined 3x3 box contains each number exactly once. Exactly three distinct numbers appear on each of the marked diagonals.

Theme: P^2 (Literally two P's and two Squares) :)

Difficulty: Hard


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Puzzle No 106: Clone Sudoku

Here goes the Friday Puzzle, 

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. The gray areas are clones: they contain the same digits at the same locations ( gray areas can not be rotated or mirrored).

Theme: Doubly Arrows

Difficulty: Medium


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Puzzle No 105: Outside Sudoku

Happy Friday !! Happy Dussehra to all !!

This is 200th Post on my blog, which came on this auspicious day. so the theme is back to basic from what it started i.e Numbers 1-9 ;) 
Hope everyone enjoys!! :) Good Luck :)

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, some digits are given outside the grid. These digits must appear in the first three cells in the corresponding direction. 

Theme: 1-9

Difficulty: Medium
