Friday, August 29, 2014

Special / Bonus 1 - Odd Sudoku

Surprise!! I will be posting some puzzles even during other days as and when possible apart from regular posting on Friday. You can check yesterday (Friday) puzzle here.

This is my 1st Sudoku contribution to:
Daily League! The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, Shaded cells can contain only odd digits (1,3,5,7,9)

Theme: Square

Difficulty: Hard


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Puzzle No 99 (Palindrome Sudoku)

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, the digits in the squares with the line form palindromes, i.e. they read the same from both the directions.

Theme: Almost N closed (Almost Enclosed)

Difficulty: Medium+


Friday, August 22, 2014

Puzzle No 98 (Anti Knight Sudoku)

As I mentioned earlier I will be updating my blog every Friday starting from Today. :)

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Additionally, same digits cannot be a knight step (referring to chess) away from each other. A chess knight moves two cells horizontally or vertically and then once cell in a perpendicular direction.

Theme: Symmetric & Logical

Difficulty: Medium


Friday, August 1, 2014

Puzzle No 97 (No Even Neighbors Sudoku)

Mostly After World Championship i should be able to update my blog every Friday.
Anyways that's later ,so as i promised, Here goes the 2nd one.

Place numbers in the grid such that each row,column and 3*3 box contain the numbers 1-9. Even Numbers cannot be adjacent to each other vertically or horizontally.

Theme: Symmetric
Difficulty: Medium
