
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Puzzle No 173: Yajilin

While doing the Yajilin Yacht Contest on Logic Masters India, I got this idea. Yajilin Yacht is a ongoing Daily Puzzle Series contest by IHNN (Jeffrey Bardon) , highly recommend to check it out if you haven't already.

It took a while to get this working, but I am very happy with it. I promise no bashing is required, there is an interesting hard step that opens the puzzle.

Rules: Shade some white cells and then draw a single closed loop (without intersections or crossings) through all remaining white cells. Shaded cells cannot share an edge with each other. Some cells are outlined and in gray and cannot be part of the loop. Numbered arrows in such cells indicate the total number of Shaded cells that exist in that direction in the grid.

Penpa+: Online Solving Online Solving


Have Fun!

EDIT: 19th August 2022 [Spoiler]
Intended Solve Path Logic can be seen in this replay -

1 comment:

  1. 5.27 mins to solve this one. This is tough one. It starts easily with 3 clue but I have to guess at the end to solve it. It will be interesting to know the hidden logic in this puzzle.
